Brampton Brick, Ontario, Canada
Soak Furnace Zone of Kiln #1 and #2
Kiln: Kiln #1 is 400 feet long inside refractory and approx. 25 feet wide by 7 feet high.
Lining Configuration: The current roof lining consists of one layer of 2600˚F, 80% Alumina dog bone tile 18” thick and 3” of lightweight castable, with an air space between tile and roof shell. The sidewall lining consists of high duty firebrick 9” thick with a backup lining of 3” IFB and a 12” air space filled with vermiculite between the IFB and kiln shell.
Customer Need: Norheat Treatment Inc./ITC recommended a solution to address several major challenges including:
- High fuel consumption.
- Increase longevity of refractory lining and protection from thermal shock and spalling.
Engineered Approach: Norheat Treatment Inc./ITC recommended a pre-heat coating to address the customers requirements. The coating design included a proprietary pre-heat coating, ITC 100HT, applied to the pre-heat tile and brick lining of the pre-heat zone only per the customers request. This was done in addition to the hot zone coating which was completed previously.
High Temperature Energy Efficient Ceramic Coatings: Norheat Treatment Inc. supplies several proprietary, high temperature, energy efficient ceramic coatings to work in concert with refractory or metal substrates. Under ideal conditions, these coatings absorb energy from the process and re-radiate it to the load, imparting the following benefits:
- Lower Heat Loss – Minimizes heat transfer through the kiln tile and brick lining.
- Reduced Fuel Consumption – Additional heat from above leads to 10% to 20% reductions in fuel consumption thus improving thermal efficiency.
- Refractory Longevity – Protects the substrate refractory from thermal shock and spalling.

Refractory Longevity – With the use of ITC Coatings, refractory life is extended on average 2 to 3 times longer
Reduced Pre-Heat Time – Start-up times have been reduced by 25%
Improved Fuel Savings – Due to the thermal efficiencies, fuel consumption was reduced by 5% – 7% per kiln
Reduced Energy Consumption – Before ITC coating, average fuel consumption was 942,000 ft3/day per kiln After ITC coating, average fuel consumption is now 903,406 ft3/day per kiln
Current average fuel costs – $3/1,000 ft3
Before: 942,000 ft3/day x 365 days/yr x $3/1,000 ft3 x = $1,031,490/yr per kiln
After: 903,406 ft3/day x 365 days/yr x $3/1,000 ft3 = $989,230/yr per kiln
TOTAL IMPACT/YEAR = $84,520 Combined for Kiln #1 and #2